
Why Get your Degree at the 艺术学院


1. 你可以从这里到达那里

“无论是在曼哈顿实习, 在新西兰的巡回演出, 或者任何地方的职业抱负, the 艺术学院 at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 can help you GET THERE.”

距离曼哈顿中城仅14英里, 从我们山上的校园可以看到哪一个, st和s 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s 艺术学院.

艺术学院 (CART) is a professional training ground for artists, 表演者, 从业人员, 媒体讲故事, 和老师. 基于专业办学模式, CART提供艺术方面的强化课程, in conjunction with a broad-based liberal arts education, preparing students for careers in Art 和 Design, 传播与媒体, 跳舞, 音乐, 和戏剧.

Recognized since 1978 as a New Jersey Center of Excellence in the 艺术, CART was again acknowledged in 1987 with a $6 million Governors Challenge Grant (the largest known grant of its kind!) – 和 many times over through its accreditations 和 awards. 政府机构知道什么, 而我们的学生也能亲身体会, 十大博彩推荐排名的渐进式学位课程是什么, 世界一流的师资队伍和一流的设施.

At 十大博彩推荐排名州立 we believe the arts thrive in a synergistic environment. 可以访问2,300 university courses 和 interdisciplinary opportunities, CART is an environment where creativity not only takes form, 但是会飞走. Approximately 3,000 students study in the 艺术学院. 与18一起,全校有1000名学生, they represent all parts of the state 和 many parts of the world. But what makes our students truly special is their search for individuality. 通过实习, study abroad 和 CART’s production/performance/exhibition opportunities, our students start building their resumes from freshman year.

2. Location, Location, Location… 的 Best of Three Worlds

“If location is important for studying the arts … 和 we believe it is … 艺术学院 at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 offers the BEST OF THREE WORLDS.”

曼哈顿的生活教科书 世界一流的博物馆, 画廊, 音乐厅, 剧院, festivals 和 broadcasting venues offers the arts at their best – the arts on their cutting edge. 我们的学生可以接触到这一切, plus opportunities to build lifelong connections with some of the most prestigious arts institutions in the world. 这一切 . . . just 30 minutes away by bus or train, both of which stop at the 大学 campus.

Even closer to home is the township of Montclair – a beautiful suburban yet cosmopolitan town with an artistic legacy all its own. 曾经是世纪之交艺术家的聚居地, the township today is home to a thriving arts community, 有几个艺术画廊, 电影院, 专业的音乐, 剧院和歌剧公司, 和 the nationally recognized Montclair Art Museum just down the road. Also nearby is the New Jersey Performing 艺术 Center – Lincoln Center’s closest counterpart! ——以及著名的纽瓦克博物馆.

不过,我们的学生不需要离开校园 at all for cultural 和 recreational enrichment. 没有一天是没有电影的, 戏剧, 表演, 展品…加上运动, 俱乐部会议及其他.

3. Progressive Degree Programs 和 First-Rate Facilities

“我很高兴我选择了十大博彩推荐排名. Even while majoring in art I can take courses in business 和 minor in a completely different area. 我甚至可以主修双学位.”

艺术学院 supports a broad range of artistic interests. Through its four academic units, the College offers as many as 50个专业,辅修和专业 在研究生和本科生阶段.

Our state-of-art facilities include gallery 和 exhibition spaces, 雕塑花园, 影视制作中心, 音频和声音设计工作室, 庞大的新闻实验室, 社交媒体中心, 计算机实验室, 众多的艺术工作室, 现代舞表演空间, 芭蕾舞工作室, 六个剧院设施, 场景和服装设计店, 音乐演奏厅, 彩排工作室, 录音室和30个练习室.

4. 再加上更多……

“I can’t believe I get free admission to all CART concerts, 表演, exhibitions 和 Visiting Artist 讲座 — just by showing my student ID. Last week we saw Baryshnikov 和 last semester, Whoopie Goldberg!”

补充学术课程, the 艺术学院 supports a range of audience opportunities – not only for 十大博彩推荐排名州立 students, 但是对于成千上万的社区赞助人来说.

艺术与设计论坛 和 密歇根州立大学/老妈: Art Talks feature ongoing 讲座 by artists, 设计师, art historians 和 art critics from around the world, who present their work 和 ideas in an open forum.

传播与媒体学院大楼 serves as an instructional laboratory for the university at large. It is perhaps most recognized for its widely acclaimed 和 award-winning 新闻 Lab productions 和 WMSC 90.3 .电台节目.

艺术 & 文化编程 提供广泛的专业课程, from the development of new 和 innovative works to the presentation of national 和 international artists. 事件 are open to the public 和 free to 十大博彩推荐排名州立 undergraduate students!

纪念礼堂, 大学排名1,000个座位的剧院, 主持各种形式的表演演示, 讲座, 电影和专题讨论会. Other facilities include the new 和 state-of-the-art 亚历山大·卡塞尔剧院 (500 seats), presenting progressive 和 contemporary works, 加上几个更小的空间,包括 霍华德福克斯工作室剧院; the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 跳舞 Space, 和 Black Box 的atre. 通过观众服务部, both presenters 和 patrons are afforded a range of amenities that enhance their performing, 观看和聆听体验.

音乐会系列 戏剧及舞蹈系列 each present an annual season of more than 100 concerts, 戏剧, events 和 recitals that feature the work of students, 教师和客座艺术家.

大学美术馆 present seventeen annual exhibitions 和 related events, featuring its 630-piece contemporary collection 和 works from artists of regional 和 international acclaim.

扩展分区 at 加州音乐学院 offers private lessons, 全体参与, 和 music theory instruction to pre-college youths as well as teaching opportunities for CART’s music majors. 作为预备课程的延伸, Stokes 音乐 Camp offers further instruction to 60 gifted children each summer in the university’s Stokes Forest facility.

艺术学院 咨询委员会 works to support the mission of the 艺术学院 by generating funds for scholarships 和 special projects. Board members include influential corporate 和 community leaders, 包括CART的校友和艺术赞助人.

学生服务办公室, often a first stop made by prospective CART students, oversees recruitment 和 admission of new students, as well as selective services to enrolled students. 它还赞助“艺术天——以CART的学位课程为特色的活动.