
Civil Service 员工s – Performance Assessment Review (PAR)


的 State of New Jersey Performance Assessment Review (PAR)

的 Performance Assessment Review is an assessment model, using a three-tiered rating scale. This system is used to evaluate performance for employees and/or their supervisors who are currently represented by the following unions:

  • American Federation of State County and Municipal 员工s (AFSCME)
  • Communication Workers of America (CWA) Local 1031
  • International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) Local 195
  • Policemen’s Benevolent Association State Law Enforcement Units (PBA-SLEU)
  • New Jersey Superior Officers Law Enforcement Association (NJSOLEA)
  • New Jersey Law Enforcement Supervisor Association (NJLESA)

的 Performance Annual Review is now being conducted in Workday and is an important part of organizational life. 认真对待, it enhances organizational effectiveness and efficiency and for public sector organizations, it reduces the cost of doing business 和refore saves tax dollars.

It is critical to remember that this process requires communication between rater (Supervisor) and ratee (员工) and that communication is a two-way exchange. Everything about this system 和 process that surrounds it is geared toward increasing communication and reducing misunderstandings that often arise when one person evaluates the work of another.

For step by step instructions pertaining to this process, please download the Performance Assessment Review System Presentation.

Performance Assessment Review Schedule

Performance Assessment Review Cycle is January 1st – December 31st (公历年周期). Each review period should be completed according to the following schedule:

Step 1: Initial Agreement: Due March 12, 2021

  • Supervisor establishes written goals and job expectations for the individual and work group.
  • 员工 and supervisor should meet to review the performance expectations for the next calendar year and discuss essential criteria by which the employee will be evaluated.
  • All participants should complete the PAR Initial Agreement and it will automatically be routed to the appropriate 人力资源 representative in Workday

Step 2: Interim Assessment Period: Due August 13, 2021

  • Supervisor should meet with the employee to discuss their progress based on the established goals for the individual and work unit and to implement any necessary development plans halfway through the rating period. This should be documented in Workday.
  • All participants should complete the Interim Assessment and it will automatically be routed to the appropriate 人力资源 representative in Workday

Step 3: Final Assessment Period: Due January 28, 2022

  • Supervisor should meet with the employee to discuss their 最后 评估 overall performance for the entire rating cycle.
  • All participants should complete the Final Assessment in Workday and it will automatically be routed to the appropriate 人力资源 representative in Workday
  • An Initial Agreement for the next Calendar Year Cycle will be initiated in January in Workday.


  • Performance Assessments must be completed for all Civil Service employees at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.
  • If an employee transfers to another campus department, current supervisors should conduct a “close-out” evaluation prior to the employee’s last day of work. This should document his/her performance through the last day of work. 的 new supervisor should establish an Initial Agreement with the new employee.
  • Reviewer (the supervisor’s manager) may not change the rating unless it is mutually agreed upon by both the 受评者(员工)评定等级(主管).


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